4S Electric Electronics Telecommunication Advanced Technology R & D Co. Ltd.

info@4sltd.com.tr - 4steknolojiltd@gmail.com

Contact Us

Secty Earthquake Early Warning Systems, Redlion Controls Products, Dinnteco Lightning Prevention Systems, Meteorage Lightning Early Warning - Lightning Prevention - Reporting and Rainfall Warning Systems, Joslyn Clark Soft Starter - Vacuum Contactor - Fire Pumps and Engine Control Units, K-surge Surge Protection Please contact our relevant departments for seismics.

Please contact for Industrial Automation system and solutions.

Contact Us

4s Elektrik Elektronik Telekominikasyon İth. İhr.
Paz. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

T : +90 (0)850 223 47 62

F : +90 (0)850 228 09 73

G : +90 (0)532 218 09 65

E : info@4sltd.com.tr

E : 4steknolojiltd@gmail.com
Halkapınar Mahallesi 1203/5

İkiz Çarşı 2 Apt. No :3 B/B

Konak / İzmir / Türkiye